Ask me about the time Beyoncé came to my job and you will learn everything there is to know about me.
There are far too many photos like this in our family album.
Living rent-free in my house and my heart: Jalapeño and Lou.
Nothing comes between me and my GSC.
The least joyful.
Time to thrift this outfit back into life.
And she never wore white again.
I promise that my brother lives a healthy and normal life.
Fun fact: the other actor in this photo is my mom!
In 2016, Guy Fieri said he still had this picture from 2010 framed on his wall.
When he says you look angelic in the morning.
Please don't ask me about the tie.
I dabbled in stand-up comedy, then realized I much prefer sitting...cue the groaning.
“I had a podcast before it was cool to have a podcast”- anyone with a podcast.
Taken just minutes before completing a jumping jack challenge with a Nickelodeon celebrity in 85º weather.
Empty train car + no foul smells= rare NYC find.
Unphased by the smell of raw fish.
I won a costume contest and have been chasing the high ever since.
Still solid in this conviction.

So. Much. Weeping.
Maggie started off on her UX Design journey with a bootcamp in the winter of 2024. Over 12 weeks she armed herself with new knowledge, fighting tirelessly to slay the dragons of self-doubt and disappointment. Emerging from battle only slightly scathed, Maggie marched towards the most treacherous leg of her adventure yet: the fiery pit of job-searching. And while she navigates the wild world of industry, she thanks you for taking the time to get to know her and says "if you managed to read everything on this page (and are not my mother), please reach out- I'd love to connect."
Last day of bootcamp, first day of real world terror.
When one gets to present to The NBA, one wears their Air Force 1’s.
Card sorting with classmates.
I spent 3 months in this room and realized far too late that there were no windows.