Considering Antonio’s experience, I authored 32 user stories and explored possible epics based on task patterns.

Considering Antonio’s experience, I authored 32 user stories and explored possible epics based on task patterns.

Referring back to my Affinity Map and my key theme, I chose to focus on Recycling and Item as my core epic and generated more specific tasks within that epic to compile a task flow.

Referring back to my Affinity Map and my key theme, I chose to focus on Recycling and Item as my core epic and generated more specific tasks within that epic to compile a task flow.

In order to really empathize with my user, I followed Antonio’s experience of figuring out how to dispose of his meal kit delivery’s packaging.

In order to really empathize with my user, I followed Antonio’s experience of figuring out how to dispose of his meal kit delivery’s packaging.

User-Centered Design: Experience Map, User Stories, and Epics

User-Centered Design: Experience Map, User Stories, and Epics